
We are looking for a teacher who is passionate about their faith and loves 4th and 5th graders!  We are partially departmentalized in 4th and 5th grades.  The 5th grade teacher is responsible for 4th and 5th grade math and science, 5th grade social studies, and 5th grade religion.  The 4th grade teacher is an outstanding, experienced teacher who is a great partner.  We are in a great community just outside of Omaha and provide excellent benefits.  Please contact us at 402-721-5959 for more information!

About Trinity Lutheran School- Fremont

Trinity is a medium sized school of 130 students in grades PK-8.  It is a growing school with an outstanding staff.  Fremont is a community with a population of 27,000.  The community is supportive of the school and the school is in a great relationship with the sponsoring congregation.