About Central Lutheran School

Central Lutheran School is a Caring, Loving, Sharing family of Christians dedicated to a Christ centered education, cultivating lifelong learning for joyful service to the church, community, and the world. The purpose of Central Lutheran School is to prepare its students for efficient and productive service to our Lord through family, school, church, community, and country, by providing quality education in a Christian environment.

Central Lutheran School began with conversations among congregational leaders at Emanuel Lutheran Church, Martini Lutheran Church, and St. Paul Lutheran Church in 1949. While each of these congregations had their own parish school, church leaders had the foresight to see that an association school could potentially utilize congregational resources in a more efficient way.

Over the years, the school has grown with building projects taking place every 10 to 15 years.  Programs have been added as well, with Central Lutheran adding Kindergarten, then full-day Kindergarten, and now a Preschool program for children ages three to five.

Central has maintained a variety of activities for students over the years as well. Students have the opportunity to take part in dramatic arts and both vocal and instrumental music programs. Volleyball and basketball teams have won city, state, and/or national titles. Central Lutheran’s teachers continue a tradition of seeking ways to reach out to students with new programs. Over the years, Central has offered home economics, robotics, gifted & talented programs, and chess club to name a few examples of teachers seeking to serve our students.

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    Central Lutheran School
    • Full Time
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  • 5th Grade Teacher

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    • Full Time
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