
Seeking a Headmaster/Administrator

Lutheran Classical Academy is looking for a headmaster, Ordained or Lay, who is knowledgeable and passionate about classical Lutheran education. They must be eager for the opportunity to shape a new Lutheran Classical Academy from the ground level. Experience in classical Lutheran education is a must. Also important is the drive to learn and the wisdom to seek out and listen to available resources, such as the CCLE and other experienced classical Lutheran headmasters. Energy and self-motivation are a must, along with skills in communication and organization.

Candidate must confess the Evangelical Lutheran faith as found in the 1580 Book of Concord, agree with the doctrinal positions of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, and be committed to the Historical, Liturgical, and Confessional tradition of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Candidate must possess a bachelor’s from an accredited college or university. 

Previous administrative experience is a plus, but not a requirement. 

If you are an administrator looking for a new opportunity or a teacher looking to assume an administrative position, we would love to receive your vitae for consideration.  

The present goal is to open, K-8 in the fall of 2025. 

+ Soli Deo Gloria +

About Lutheran Classica Academy
