
If you can…

1) Plan effective, engaging instruction for students in 6th grade general math through 8th grade Algebra 1

2) Collaborate and communicate well with parents and colleagues

3) Use technology to enhance instruction and streamline classroom management tasks- (Our middle school students use Chromebooks and the Google Classroom environment in addition to traditional textbooks and consumables.)

3) Share your faith in Christ and help nurture the faith development of your students

4) Participate in the life of the school and support the outreach of the church

5) Give up on snow shovels, snow shoes, and heavy winter gear, and say hello to weekends in sandals

And if you are …

1) Qualified to teach middle school math –  either by profession, education, or certification

2) Graduating from a teaching program or have successfully completed at least one year of teaching at the middle school level

3) Ready to complete Florida state teaching certification – we help with this process

4) Willing to complete all background checks

Then, you should contact us today!

About Our Savior Lutheran Church and School in Plantation, Florida

Our Savior Lutheran is located in Broward County, west of Ft. Lauderdale, and just 15 miles from the beach.  Our school serves about 200 children in preschool (18 months) through 8th grade.  We have one class per grade with enrollment ranging from 15 to 23 students per class.  We cap our middle school classes at 18, but we are happy with 16 per class.  We are blessed with a strong reputation in the community and a healthy connection between our church and school, with a growing number of school families attending services and joining the church.

The school enjoys worshiping together on Wednesdays and our students and staff take turns leading our chapel services which are streamed to our YouTube channel by middle school students who run the cameras, sound, and live stream.  We complete locally in basketball, volleyball, soccer, and track and field, adding flag football this year for the first time.