Job Description for Elementary Education Teacher at Trinity First Lutheran School
1. Teach the Word of God and particularly the Gospel message of Jesus Christ as our crucified and risen Savior.
2. Assist the principal in establishing a Christian learning environment in the school.
3. Serve as a role model to fellow teachers, prospective teachers and the learning community.
4. Work with the children and their families to assist them in learning more about the body of Christ and to encourage them to seek Jesus!
5. Teach the required curriculum for the assigned grade level(s).
6. Value and respect the individual worth, dignity, and God-given talents and abilities of each individual student.
7. Support and carry out the mission of the school.
1. Advisory Governance board
2. Principal
1. Communicate effectively with the pupils, commending and reinforcing good conduct and achievement on the part of the pupils.
2. Use wholesome motivational techniques that produce the desired learning environment.
3. Maintain effective Christian discipline in the classroom as outlined in the school handbook.
4. Demonstrate in a variety of ways genuine care and concern for students.
5. Respect and value the cultural diversity of students and their families.
6. Demonstrate enthusiasm for teaching and learning.
7. Encourage critical thinking, life-long learning, creativity and positive risk taking.
8. Promote a strong Christian relationship among fellow staff members.
9. Maintain an environment that is Christ-centered, positive, supportive, nurturing and challenging.
1. Relate instruction to the Christian objectives of the school.
2. Develop and communicate effective long-range and short-range (daily lesson plans) planning for classroom instruction.
3. Use appropriate procedures to evaluate student attendance and achievement.
4. Maintain adequate records of student achievement and other required data.
5. Complete record-keeping procedures.
6. Train and supervise aides and volunteers when appropriate.
7. Be willing to grow professionally through educational readings, attendance at workshops or participation in graduate-level courses according to the continuing education policy.
8. Adopt lessons to meet individual student needs.
9. Create and implement developmentally appropriate lessons for a varied range of student needs.
10. Implement best practice strategies in instruction, technology and assessment.
11. Teach for mastery.
12. Create lessons that are student-centered, based in content, stimulating, innovative, enhanced with appropriate technology, inquiry-based and fun.
14. Employ a variety of assessment methods (work samples, anecdotal records, portfolios, etc.).
1. Keep the classroom appearance interesting, stimulating, neat and pleasant.
2. Be involved in the worship life of the ministry.
3. Seek to continually grow spiritually through Bible study and prayer.
4. Conduct oneself as a professional educator at all times.
5. Conduct oneself as the school’s public relations voice at all times.
6. Integrate Christian ethics, principles and doctrine into all subject areas.
7. Verbalize the Law and Gospel in the manner of Christ Himself.
8. Take every opportunity to witness one’s faith to children and parents to encourage faith development and worship attendance.
1. Communicate regularly with parents in written form, electronically and personally.
2. Assist with special school programs, religious services, projects and extracurricular activities as assigned.
3. Be responsible for playground, lunchroom, hallway, athletic and other supervision duties as assigned by the principal and/or early childhood director.
4. Attend faculty meetings, teacher conferences, department meetings, PTL meetings, faculty devotions and congregation meetings.
5. Maintain a substitute teacher folder that contains the daily schedule, class list and materials used.
6. Abide by school policies as listed in theTeacher Handbook..
7. Conduct parent conferences and orientation meetings at the times designated.
8. Participate in activities and programs sponsored by the class/department/school during and after school hours.
9. Commit to students and their learning, and provide appropriate, timely and constructive feedback to students.
10. Work collaboratively for the benefit of all students in the school.
1. Faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
2. A bachelor’s degree. In Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education or in the teaching area assigned is greatly preferred, and/or…
3. Certified by the state or taking steps toward such certification in the area of responsibility. 4. Sufficient skills to fulfill the responsibility of this position.
5. Membership on the synodical roster is desired, when feasible.
6. Membership at the school’s supporting congregations, when feasible and appropriate.
7. Be able to be outside for 30 minutes each day in Minnesota weather (temperatures 0 degrees Fahrenheit and above.
8. Be able to lift 60 pounds.
9. Be able to be on your feet for 8 hours per day.
10. Be able to work 12 hour days occasionally throughout the year.
11. For non-LCMS staff sign Trinity First Faith and Life Covenant for Those Who Serve
About Trinity First School